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Title XIX I/DD Waiver Services

The Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver (IDDW) program is for children and adults with disabilities. The program provides services that help to teach, train, support, guide and assist members reach the highest level of independence possible in their lives.


The IDDW program, formerly MR/DD Waiver program, provides these services in homes and areas where the member lives, works, and shops instead of in Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID).


Case Management

Services that assist waiver participants in gaining access to needed waiver and other services.


Facility-Based Day Habilitation
Provides person-specific training programs outside the residential setting. 


Supported Employment
Services that enable individuals to engage in paid, competitive employment, in integrated community settings.


Behavior Support Professional
Develops training plans that include methods of intervention or instruction specific to the individual.


Family Person-Centered Support
Training and/or support activities that enable the member to live and inclusively participate in their community.


Designed to provide temporary relief for the primary caregiver(s). 


Mileage reimbursement for eligible transportation services is available. 


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